Bedework Overview

What is Bedework?

Bedework is an open-source, enterprise calendaring system. Bedework supports personal, public, and group events. It uses existing open standards, and supports web-based and other forms of access, including CalDAV and portal integration. Bedework is built with an emphasis on higher education, though it is used by many commercial enterprises.

The Mission statement for Bedework reads, in part, "Bedework will be a total calendaring and events system for institutions of higher learning. Bedework will be open source and platform independent. It will use existing open standards where possible, especially the standards of the IETF Calendaring and Scheduling Working Group. It will support integration with other systems and middleware, particularly open systems such as uPortal and Shibboleth. It will be modular, so an institution can deploy only the components it needs, and extensible, so an institution can build any new component it needs."