Bedework Receives Mellon Foundation MATC Award
Bedework was among the 10 initial recipients of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation's Technology Collaboration (MATC) Award for leadership in the collaborative development of open source software tools with particular application to higher education and not-for-profit activities.

The awards were presented at the 2006 Fall Task Force meeting of the Coalition for Networked Information by Sir Timothy Berners-Lee, Director of the World Wide Web Consortium and the inventor of the World Wide Web.
The Bedework team would like to recognize those who contributed to this recognition:
We would like to acknowledge the Mellon Foundation and the MATC Program Officer, Chris Mackie, for promoting and supporting open source software development.

We want to thank the University of Washington UWCalendar team - especially Greg Barnes, and Ellen Jensen, and their director Oren Sreebny, for their hospitality and collegiality, and for introducing us to CalConnect, and the world of calendaring software development.
And lastly, but most importantly, we would like to thank all of you, the Bedework community of users and developers. Without the Bedework community, those of you who have contributed code, participated on the mailing lists, adopted Bedework as your calendaring system, there is no Bedework. The Mellon Technology Collaboration (MATC) is a great honor and a very gratifying validation of our Bedework development, but it also represents an opportunity to really grow the Bedework community of users and developers, which has always been a primary goal, to achieve critical mass and long term sustainability for the Bedework project.
Over the next few weeks we will be sharing more specific plans on how we hope to use this award to continue developing Bedework and the Bedework community.
The Bedework Development Team.